Cryphto VPN


Substitute in the following directions "$user" with your username.
  1. Generate key request for $user_cryphto (Arch Wiki)
  2. Sent request to admin(Email adress does not work right now!) and retrieve $user_cryphto.crt
  3. Create directory "cryphto" in your openvpn config directory
  4. Put the certificate file under the name $user_cryphto.crt into "cryphto"
  5. Put the key file under the name $user_cryphto.key into "cryphto"
  6. Download "cryphto_ca.crt" from here into "cryphto"
  7. Download "cryphto_ta.key" from here into "cryphto"
  8. Download "cryphto.conf" from here into the parent folder of "cryphto"
  9. Follow the instructions given in "cryphto.conf"
